Go leave see her credits and leave her some extra love here. I love giving out Pixie presents, even though I have a hard day remembering what day of the week it is.
This is going to be the first month I am hosting a challenge at DSO. I am taking over the "Scrappin' on your Desktop" Challenge. Pretty much I give you something to use on a layout for your desktop background. This was a great challenge for me to take over since I am bad about creating one and leaving it up for months at a time. Now I have a reason to change it every month. This month the piece that will be getting used looks like this...

With it being February how could I pass up a reason to use pink and hearts. February is also my anniversary so love is in the air around here. Here is what I did with the element.

Isn't it so pretty. Even better if you participate in this months challenge you get a great thank you gift created by me. Wanna see what you are playing for?

See I told you love is in the air...lol. If you complete every active challenge for the month of February you get awarded the Mega Kit. Let me tell you, it is HUGE!!! You will have to stop by the site and see the preview (might not be posted until tomorrow though). It is definitely worth the work! This mini kit should work nicely with the Mega kit.
I have sick kids right now. 3 out of 4 (all 3 boys) are just miserable to be around. They are congested and coughing. They are so cranky! I sure hope this passes quickly. Since they are so not happy campers, here is a page I did for yesterday of DD. She has managed to not get this cold, let's hope it stays that way.

Credits can be found here. I am off to fight a website that is having issues with downloading so that hopefully I can scrap with what I bought. Wish me luck!
stopping by on the DSO blog train to say 'hi'
congrats on being a Pixie - you girls do an amazing job over there!!! (I'm biased because one of my LOs has been picked *winks* )
good luck with your fight to get your download - nothing worse especially if it's a product that you are just dying to use!!!
You are doing great as a pixie!
I will have to do your desktop challenge to get the prize.
great pick for the week and that desktop LO is tooo cute!
sorry to hear 75% of your kids are sick - no fun :(
found you on the DST blogtrain! - we homeschool too - :) - cute cute pages and things!!
TOOOTing through on the DSO train- and man you PIXIES ROCK!!! Great job on the pick too- whooohoo!
Sending the morning train hug
Driving by on the DSO Blog Train. Ohhhhhhhhh Jenn so sorry about the kids being sick, men/boys are the worse when they are sick. LOL I love the desktop challenge and your bonus prize is awesome.
Choo Choo - the DSO blog train stopping by! I'm going to try the Desktop challenge - I haven't ever done one. Congrats on being a Pixie! :) You guys RAWK! Have a great weekend!
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