So I woke up yesterday with the plans to go out shopping with my mom in the morning, and spending the afternoon primping for going out with DH in the evening. Well DH decided it was time to go back to the eye doctor for the stitches in his eye were really starting to bother him. Since we were really hoping they would go ahead take the remaining stitches out, I had to go with him. His appointment to get them removed was this coming Monday so we were pretty optimistic. Mom ended up being the babysitter for the day. Unfortunately DH's doctor is a little more than 1.5hrs away, so we didn't get home until 3ish. Mom went on her way, and I started my primping process. About 4 my FIL showed up as babysitter #2 for the day. I'm still trying to get ready. I found my pantyhose that I haven't woran in years, my black skirt and blue shirt. The blue shirt just didn't look right with the skirt since I had lost so much weight it just hung down. I tried a red shirt but it looked to manly for the flowing skirt. I switched back to the blue shirt cause i had no other options at that point and started the shoe hunt. Let me fill you in on a little detail, I don't wear skirts so my shoes are all designed to be worn with pants, not to mention my feet really like their crocs so shoving them into enclosed shoes was not a good thing. First pair, no go, second pair, same result, 3rd and 4th shoe, don't match and no idea where the mates are, I finally found a pair of boot that my feet weren't going to be screaming at me. Unfortunately the boots didn't look right with the skirt. So now I am off on a wardrobe change. I looked at all my dresses, most I haven't worn since before the big boys were born, and decided to depress myself and try one on. IT FIT! I don't even think it looked to bad around my waist which is still my trouble area. Bad news, boots didn't work any better with this outfit. So back to the shoe digging. I finally found both shoes to a of a comfortable pair of flats and I was ready to roll. DH looks at me and said "should I dress up any more?" After all that work on my part he just had to brush his knees of a bit and go (men!). We had a pleasant dinner at Applebees without the kids and did a little shopping afterwards and headed home. I know you guys are thinking Applebees isn't the most romantic spot in the world, but hey we walked in and were seated immediately on Valentine's Day, and that was our goal. Overall even though my plans went seriously astray, I had a great day.
Did I mention before I could begin on my whirlwind of a day, I had to still do my Pixie Pick of the day for DSO? As I have mentioned before this includes rewarded the pick with a little gift from me. Well as of Thursday morning I had nothing. So before I could take off for the day I had to figure out something to create. I actually find alphas pretty easy to make, now that I have a wonderful action that cuts the sheets apart for me, so I went that way. As I was fiddling with my alpha I got ready for the day as actions ran. I finally got it just right, uploaded to 4shared, and posted to the Pixie Pick right as my DH got home and Mom showed up. I hope she enjoys it. Here is a nice couples page for a Valentine's Day Pixie Pick of the Day.

Congrats to Lei for being the Pixie Pick of the day! Leave her some love and see the credits here. Next week I will not procrastinate on creating my freebie (lol, I say this every week).
In other scrapping news, I found out who got my pictures in our secret picture swap at Twinstuff. Jackie did a perfect job with the pictures she was given. She has been doing a ton of extractions recently and these pics screamed extraction. Even still I probably wouldn't have thought to do the extractions. I gave her a couple of pictures of William who for some reason seems to be my neglected child when it comes to pages of just him (lots done with the twins together). Here is what she did with it...

Thanks Jackie for such a great page. Now if only I could find time to finish the secret page I am working on. Hopefully I will get to it today, but since it is our day at the park, the chances are low. Until next time have a great day.
LOL sounds like you had a crazy Valentine's Day!
Just swinging by from the DSO blog train!!! Have a great day!
i love applebees... love it... and try doing all this primping in canada in dead of winter... looking elegant is nodt so easy in snow boots and long johns :)
Wow on all the changing of clothes! Just like me! Cept nothing ever fits, the opposite of the problem you had. LOL
Sounds like a wonderful night!
She did a great job on the extracting! That slide coming out is PERFECT!
Have a great day!
I love the tale of your getting dressed up!
What a day you had! Whew! Great pick and Im sure she will love the alfa.
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